Even though we may drive a car every day, Auto Insurance isn't the simplest thing to understand. There are different coverages levels, deductible choices, optional coverages, and even certain requirements that vary by state. Each of these coverages has its own separate premium amount. Your payment is the total of these separate amounts added together for each car listed on your policy. In addition to the primary coverages, you can also choose to add other coverages, such as Emergency Road Service, for additional amounts.
Common Coverage:
The single biggest investment you may make in life is your home. Are you sure you have protected your investment? Let us review your homeowner's policy with you and make sure there are no gaps in coverage.
LEGACY Insurance Group will help you build your homeowners policy to fit your needs. So when the unexpected happens, you know that your insurance will be there working for you, exactly the way you need it, to make things right again.
Common Coverage:
Life insurance is the safety net that protects your family financially if you can't be there to support them any longer. With life insurance, a lump sum of money will be paid to your beneficiaries upon your death. The money can be used for funeral expenses, to replace your lost income, pay outstanding bills, fund your child's college education and more.
Common Coverage:
At LEGACY Insurance Group, we value the long lasting personal relationships we build with every family, individual, and business client. As an independent agency, we sell for many financially sound and respected companies in the industry. We personalize coverage for each client and match them with the company that best fits their needs.
LEGACY specializes in insurance for contractors, trucking, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, property owners, associations, churches, non-profits, homeowners insurance, automobile insurance, life insurance, and many more products for personal and business owners.
LEGACY Insurance Group
P: 219.374.5544
F: 219.374.5549
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 2009
Cedar Lake, IN 46303
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Nights and Weekends by appt.